Research team leaders …
Ann Albihn is a veterinary at the Swedish National Veterinary Institute, and in CLINF she represents the animal side of climate sensitive infections. Her team collects data on the prevalence of animal infectious diseases in the North, in reindeer in particular, and on the presence of disease agents in vectors such as ticks.
Christer Björkman is an ecologist at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences who contributes to CLINF with his knowledge regarding habitual demands of the vector and reservoir organisms that may carry and transmit climate sensitive infections.
Georgia (Gia) Destouni is a hydrologist at Stockholm University, Sweden. Her group is modelling and projecting future scenarios of hydro-climatic change and its effects on the migration pathways of climate sensitive infections.
Birgitta Evengård is a senior professor and specialist in northern infectious diseases at Umeå University, Sweden. Being one of the CLINF initiators, Birgitta heads the coordination team as principal coordinator of the CLINF Nordic Centre of Excellence. She also leads work package 1.
Grete Hovelsrud is a social anthropologist at Nord University, Norway, who contributes to CLINF with her knowledge regarding climate-change effects on northern societies. Grete is the leader of CLINF work package 4, and provides an integrative interface between CLINF science and northern societies.
Anders Koch is an epidemiologist at Statens Serum Institute, Denmark. His contribution to CLINF lies in his expertise on the epidemiology of northern human infectious diseases, with a particular focus on Greenland. Anders also holds the key to laboratory resources for serum analyses.
Natalia Kukarenko is a philosopher at the Northern Federal University of Archangelsk, Russia, who investigates indirect climate change effects on gender, migration, multiculturalism, and ethics.
Juha Lemmetyinen is an engineer at the Finnish Meteorological Institute, who contributes to CLINF with his knowledge regarding remote sensing technologies and the associated data products.
Shaun Quegan is a mathematician and Earth modeller at the University of Sheffield, UK. His team is modelling and projecting climate change effects on northern landscape characteristics. Shaun is one of the CLINF initiators, and the leader of work package 2.
Jan Åge Riseth is a chief researcher and specialist in management of common-pool resources and traditional knowledge at NORCE Norwegian Research Centre. His group focuses on the bilateral and equal integration of local traditional knowledge with other CLINF science. Jan Åge leads work package 5.
Anders Sjöstedt is a chief physician and expert in clinical microbiology at Umeå University, Sweden. His contribution to CLINF lies in his detailed knowledge of tularemia, a typical case of a climate sensitive infection.
Tomas Thierfelder is a biometrician and Earth scientist at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. His team focuses on interdisciplinary synthesis and systems integration; he leads work packages 3 and 6. Tomas is one of the CLINF initiators and co-coordinator together with Birgitta.
Nikolay Tokarevich is a chief physician at the Pasteur Institute of St. Petersburg, Russia. He contributes with his knowledge regarding the epidemiology of climate sensitive infections in Russia and with important sera laboratory resources.
… and co-workers
- Didier G Leibovici (PhD) is a geo-spatial data scientist working with Shaun in WP2 on land surface models used in forecasting the land cover and vegetation of the northern landscape. Along with the identification of past land and weather co-variates of climate sensitive infections, their spatio-temporal changes will allow CLINF to describe potential future risks.
- Gert Mulvad (MD, Dr.h.c.) is a family physician working with Anders Koch in WP1. He performs research in the field of traditional food cost-benefit and family health at the Greenland Center for Health Research, University of Greenland in Nuuk.
- Anna Omazic (PhD) is an agronomist working with Ann in WP1. She collects and analyses data on the prevalence of animal infectious diseases in the North, particularly in reindeer. She is also interested in the presence of disease agents in vector organisms such as ticks.
- Camilla Risvoll (PhD) is a senior researcher at the Nordland Research Institute in Bodö, Norway. Her experience is in interdisciplinary research and knowledge co-production within different knowledge systems. In WP4, Camilla focuses on impacts from climate change in combination with cumulative effects and how multiple changes affect the adaptive capacity of reindeer husbandry communities in the Arctic.
- (TBC)