

Risvoll et al. (2022) Weather, Climate and Society. Falling between the cracks of governing systems: risk and uncertainty in pastoralism in Northern Norway.


Ma et al. (2021) Nature Scientific Reports. Linking climate and infectious disease trends over the Northern/Arctic region.

Leibovici et al. (2021) Intl. J. Env. Res. Public Health. Associating land cover changes with patterns of incidences of climate-sensitive infections: an example on tick-borne diseases in Nordic area.

Evengård et al. (2021) Polar Records. Healthy ecosystems for human and animal health: Science diplomacy for responsible development in the Arctic.

Kåresdotter et al. (2021) Earth’s Future. Mapping the vulnerability of Arctic wetlands to global warming.

Rautio et al. (2021) Intl. J. Env. Res. Public Health. Climate change in the Arctic – The need for a broader gender perspective in data collection.



Horstkotte et al. (2020): Supplementary feeding in reindeer husbandry – Results from a workshop with reindeer herders and researchers from Norway, Sweden and Finland. Umeå University. This report is also available in Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish and Northsami.

CLINF contributions to Nordic Perspectives on the Responsible Development of the Arctic : Pathways to Action, ed. Douglas C. Nord, Springer 2020:

In cooperation with the other Nordic Centres of Excellence ReiGN and REXSAC:

  • Horstkotte, Lépy & Risvoll (2020). Working together: Reflections on a transdisciplinary effort of co-producing knowledge on supplementary feeding in reindeer husbandry across Fennoscandia

Malkhazova et al. (2020) Intl. J. Env. Res. Public Health. Emerging natural focal infectious diseases in Russia: A medical-geographical study.

Orlov et al. (2020) Intl. J. Env. Res. Public Health. Healthy ecosystems are a prerequisite for human health – a call for action in the area of climate change with a focus on Russia.

Tronin et al. (2020) Intl. J. Env. Res. Public Health. Study of the relationship between the average annual temperature of atmospheric air and the number of tick-bitten humans in the north of European Russia.

Ma et al. (2020) Intl. J. Env. Res. Public Health. Implications of projected hydroclimatic change for tularemia outbreaks in high-risk areas across Sweden.

Riseth, Tömmervik & Tryland (2020) Intl. J. Env. Res. Public Health. Spreading or gathering? Can traditional knowledge be a resource to tackle reindeer diseases associated with climate change?

van Oort et al. (2020) Intl. J. Env. Res. Public Health. A mini-review of Ixodes ticks climate sensitive infection dispersion risk in the Nordic region.

Samoilov et al. (2020) Intl. J. Env. Res. Public Health. Lethal outcome of leptospirosis in southern Russia: Characterization of Leptospira interrogans isolated from a deceased teenager.

Pulliainen et al. (2020) Nature. Patterns and trends of Northern hemisphere snow mass from 1980 to 2018.

das Neves et al. (2020) Viruses. Pestivirus infections in semi-domesticated Eurasian tundra reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus): A retrospective cross-sectional serological study in Finnmark County, Norway.

Leibovici et al. (2020). BioGeosciences. Spatio-temporal variations and uncertainty in land surface modelling for high latitudes: univariate response analysis.



Bring et al. (2019) Earth’s Future. Contrasting hydroclimatic model-data agreements over the Nordic-Arctic region.

Omazic et al. (2019) Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica. Identifying climate-sensitive infectious diseases in animals and humans in Northern regions. 

Read also the post about this publication on the BMC blog.

Leibovici & Claramunt (2019) Entropy. On integrating size and shape distributions into a spatio-temporal information entropy framework.

Seifollahi, Kalantari & Destouni (2019) Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF), Assessment Series, Appendix A – Scoping for resilience and management of Arctic wetland.

Omazic et al. (2019) Infection Ecology & Epidemiology. Seroprevalence of pestivirus in Eurasian tundra reindeer in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Russian Federation.

Ravna, Zoia JV (2019) Intl. J. Circumpolar Health. “Catching a child”: Giving birth under nomadic conditions. The methods of pre- and postnatal care of the Nenets mothers and babies.

Ma et al. (2019) Intl. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. Potential for hydroclimatically driven shifts in infectious disease outbreaks: The case of tularemia in high-latitude regions.

Omazic et al. (2019) Intl. J. Circumpolar Health. Discrepancies in data reporting of zoonotic infectious diseases across the Nordic countries – A call for action in the era of climate change.

Park et al. (2019) Global Change Biology. Changes in timing of seasonal peak photosynthetic activity in northern ecosystems.

Chen et al. (2019) Nature Sustainability. China and India lead in greening of the world through land-use management.

Tömmervik et al. (2019) Ecosystems. Legacies of historical exploitation of natural resources are more important than summer warming for recent biomass increases in a Boreal-Arctic transition region.

Abdala-Roberts et al. (2019) Ecology Letters. Tri-trophic interactions: bridging species, communities and ecosystems.

Seifollahi-Aghmiuni et al. (2019) Water. Change drivers and impacts in Arctic wetland landscapes – literature review and gap analysis.

Sköld et al. (2019) EU PolarNet White Paper 4. The road to the desired states of social-ecological systems in the Polar regions.

Selroos et al. (2019) Water. Permafrost thaw with thermokarst wetland-lake and societal health risks: Dependence on local soil conditions under large-scale warming.

Grandi et al. (2019) Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases. First records of adult Hyalomma marginatum and H. rufipes ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in Sweden.



Skre et al. (2018) J Agricultural Science Technology. Consequences of future expansion at the Arctic treeline in northernmost Norway.

Quin & Destouni (2018) Land Degradation and Development. Large-scale comparison of flow-variability dampening by lakes and wetlands in the landscape.

Orth & Destouni (2018) Nature Communications. Drought reduces blue-water fluxes more strongly than green-water fluxes in Europe.

Gross et al. (2018) Land Degradation & Development. Links between Nordic and Arctic hyrdoclimate and vegetation changes: Contribution to possible landscape-scale nature-based solutions.

Engström et al. (2018) Proc Intl Ass Hydrological Sciences. Water impacts and water-climate goal conflicts of local energy choices – notes from a Swedish perspective.

Epstein et al. (2018) Bulletin Am. Meteorol. Soc., Tundra greeness.

Jansson 2018 (M.Sc. thesis). Infections in the eye and mouth of reindeer.

Aurosell 2018 (M.Sc. thesis). Prevalence of pestivirus in reindeer


2017 and earlier publications:

Berggren 2017 (M.Sc. thesis). The impact of climate change on zoonotic infectious diseases.

Böhme 2017 (M.Sc. thesis). CLINF stakeholder analysis: Inferring the network of CLINF stakeholder organisations from Nuuk to Yakutsk

Bonebrake et al. (2017) Biol Rev Camb Philos SocManaging consequences of climate-driven species redistribution requires integration of ecology, conservation and social science.

Fauchald et al (2017) Science advances. Arctic greening from warming promotes declines in caribou populations.

Karlsen et al (2017) Climate Research. Future forest distribution on Finnmarksvidda, North Norway.

Martin et al (2017) Environ. Res. Lett. Shrub growth and expansion in the Arctic tundra: an assessment of controlling factors using an evidence-based approach.

Pecl et al (2017) Science Biodiversity redistribution under climate change: Impacts on ecosystems and human well-being.

Tokarevich et al (2017) Medical Safety & Global Health. Seroprevalence of tick-borne diseases in the population of the European North of Russia.

Tokarevich et al (2017) Int J Circumpolar Health. Impact of air temperature variation on the ixodid ticks habitat and tick-borne encephalitis incidence in the Russian Arctic: the case of the Komi Republic.

Bring et al (2016) Journal of Geophysical Research. Arctic terrestrial hydrology: A synthesis of processes, regional effects, and research challenges.

Riseth et al (2016) Journal of Forest Economics.175 years of adaptation: North Scandinavian Sámi reindeer herding between government policies and winter climate variability (1835–2010).


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